팝업레이어 알림

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For you who find everyday conversations
difficult with even a bit of noise

ClearSense Audio

Ultimate smartphone-based
hearing assistant app

The release of ClearSense Audio, originally scheduled for the first half of the year,
has been postponed to July in order to provide a more complete product.
Thank you for your understanding. We are currently accepting pre-registration on the App Store,
so please register now so you don't miss the release. The pre-registration period has already
ended on Google Play, but we will notify you directly by email or text message as soon as it is released.
If you would like to receive any updates, please send your contact information to contact@mpwav.com.
Thank you very much.

Most Comfortable
and Clean Sound
Focused on Speech

Unlike other hearing aids,
it achieves excellent noise removal
without distorting target speech.

Hearing noisy sound

ClearSense Audio

Personalized Settings
including Equalizing


  • Image by freepik

    Don't miss out on others,
    even in noisy cafes

    ClearSense Audio filters out ambient noise
    and enables comfortable conversation.

  • Get help communication
    with various household distractions.

    ClearSense Audio provides a strong connection to your family.

    Image by freepik

  • Image by freepik

    Experience clear communication
    with ClearSense Audio
    even in a noisy workplace

    enabling seamless conversation with colleagues anytime and anywhere.

Notice & News

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